Scanning Services | PR2 Graphics
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Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 | (847) 398-5855

La Grange IL, 60525 | (708) 579-3160

Glenview, IL 60025 | (847) 376-8383

Scanning Services

Unlock the power of preservation and accessibility with our scanning and archiving services. Whether it’s large or small format documents, we’ve got you covered. Trust us to digitize your blueprints for reproduction, archival, and seamless electronic distribution.

Perfect for everything from detailed blueprints to stunning art pieces!

Scans up to 36” inches wide to unlimited lengths

High-resolution black/white & color scanning capabilities

Scan substrates up to 0.5in thick

Diverse digital file formats available for both archiving and reproduction

Scans can be saved as PDF, TIFF, and JPEG file formats

Indexing/file naming services available