Digital Blueprinting | PR2 Graphics
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Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 | (847) 398-5855

La Grange IL, 60525 | (708) 579-3160

Glenview, IL 60025 | (847) 376-8383

Digital Blueprinting

Experience precision and efficiency like never before with our cutting-edge digital blueprinting services. From architects to engineers, we’ve got you covered! Our advanced printing technology guarantees accurate reproduction of your blueprints, plans, and technical drawings. Whether it’s a small-scale project or a large-scale development, trust us to deliver high-quality prints that meet your exact specifications, every time.
At PR2, we believe in transparency—there are no set-up charges or hidden service fees. We provide competitive pricing for all customers, with additional discounts available for bulk orders.

High resolution printing and reproductions in black/white, grayscale, and color

Numerous media types available including Engineering Bond, Vellum, Mylar, and Untearable Bond

Finishing services include binding, stapling, folding, laminating, and screw post binding

Mounting to various substrates including foam board, ultra board, and gator board

Enlargements and reductions

Smooth and hassle-free throughout the entire process!

Easy file submission for large file sizes

Pickup/Delivery throughout Chicagoland

Shipping services available via FedEx, UPS, or USPS